Umbria & Tuscany

Explore their hidden gems

Umbria is located in the heart of Italy – close to Rome, next to Tuscany and The Marches. It offers Mediterranean flair off the beaten track, the true Italy with all the panache that everybody longs for. Since ancient times it has been a melting pot of cultures, peoples, brilliant thinkers and home to artists and their ideas.

Every way you turn you’ll find unparallelled masterpieces of art and architecture, medieval and Renaissance cities: Perugia, the vibrant Umbrian capital; Arezzo, home to Piero della Francesa, Renaissance master painter; Assisi, Orvieto, Gubbio, Spoleto – all these places are a delight, and each one is different, each one is worth more than just one visit.

But it´s not only the big names and monuments that make a visit to Umbria worthwhile. We like to think that it is rather the smaller, hidden places and masterpieces of art and architecture that make the difference – Spello, Monterchi, Trevi, a small monastery up in the hills dating back to the 12th century, an old church build of roman and etruscan artifacts .. We are here for years now and still discover new treasures. And of course we are more than happy to share this knowledge with our guests.